With Thanksgiving coming up, it’s time to start planning for Black Friday. I actually enjoy shopping and sort of like getting out there on Black Friday. It puts me in the Christmas spirit with all the Christmas music and hustle and bustle of all the other shoppers. But it can be overwhelming.
Today, I’ve got a strategy for those of you who are brave and plan on doing some Black Friday shopping. It’s such a busy shopping day with all the crowds, so it really helps to put together a plan before heading out for the day. Thanksgiving Day, after dinner, while everyone else is relaxing or napping, is the perfect time to put together your plan. Then, early on Friday morning, you’ll be all set to go out and get those gifts crossed off your list! So, today I’m sharing with you my 10 step plan for putting together a Black Friday shopping strategy. I hope you find it helpful.
Here are my 10 steps to a Black Friday Shopping Strategy:
- Look at your overall Christmas gift budget.
- Get gift ideas from family members. Make a list for each person.
- Beside each gift idea, write an estimated dollar amount.
- Get all sales flyers together from your local newspaper or look online at your favorite local stores.
- Make a list of the stores that will have sale items you need to buy.
- Beside each store, write the times of the best sales.
- Beside each store, write what specific gifts you want to look for.
- Make a game plan for what stores you will go to and in what order. If you can’t get to all the sales, go to the ones where you get the most gifts and the best deals.
- Organize your coupons according to the order you’ll be using them. Remember to take your small notebook with your gift list.
- Decide what time you’re leaving in the morning, plan what you’re wearing, get snacks and drinks set aside to take.
That’s it! You’re organized and ready for Friday morning. I hope you have a wonderful, productive shopping day!
Happy shopping!