Well, my kids are grown now and my life is simpler, but I’m still learning and with all you moms out there, I just want to say, it gets easier with time. It really does. But, until then, I’ve got some tips today for keeping your kids organized. Of course, I don’t have all the answers to keeping your household organized, but looking back to when my three kids were growing up, these are the ten things that helped to keep me and my family reasonably organized. If you can master at least some of these, you’ll be on your way to a happy, organized life, for you and your family.
- ORGANIZED SCHEDULE AND ROUTINES. For me, this was and is the key to everything else. Your kids need a consistent schedule and routines. That way, they know exactly when to be doing homework, eating dinner, going to bed, and leaving for school. It keeps them from having excuses, such as “I didn’t know I was supposed to be doing homework.” Of course, it will vary a little, but for the most part, on weekdays, the schedule should be pretty much the same.
- ORGANIZED MEALS AND SNACKS. Along with a consistent schedule, your kids need organized meal and snack times. Besides keeping kids from getting cranky, it helps everybody to have healthy food and avoid snacking on junk food right before dinner. By the way, I learned after a long time, that having healthy snacks for them after school was the best way to keep them happy until dinnertime.
- ORGANIZED KIDS’ ROOMS. It’s hard for any of us to function in the middle of clutter. Well, it’s just as important for your kids. Besides, it’s good for kids to be responsible for their own space. So, buy storage containers and help them to set up an organized room, but from there, give them the job to keep it that way.
- ORGANIZED HOMEWORK. Obviously, homework is an important part of their lives, so it’s worth setting up some systems to help them stay organized with it. Start out by setting a time (right after school?) and a place (kids’ desk in their room or kitchen table?). Then help them by having folders and other supplies to keep it organized. Teach them how to manage big projects by setting weekly steps until it’s done.
- ORGANIZED CHORES. You know this won’t likely happen without a plan. Set up a chore chart and give everyone weekly responsibilities. Don’t forget the rewards! My kids used to love earning quarters! Those were the days! I think inflation has gone up quite a bit since then.
- ORGANIZED EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. Your family’s schedule can get really messy when your kids start getting involved in activities. But that’s just part of it. If possible, have kids help with this by getting their own gear ready the night before. Try to keep to a normal schedule as much as possible. Make sure you don’t get too many activities overlapping. You can’t be everywhere at the same time. If needed, they might need to pick just two of their favorite activities at any given time.
- ORGANIZED TECH. This is a tough one, but most kids need rules and boundaries to keep them focused. It would be a good idea to let them know how much time they’re allowed to have on computers and cell phones. And, of course, in the world we live in, you should also monitor what they’re looking at.
- ORGANIZED ACCOUNTABILITY. By this, I mean a system for discipline which includes consequences and rewards. Let them know what is expected and then enforce it.
- ORGANIZED FRIENDS. You have the right and the responsibility to know who your kids’ friends are. It helps to have phone numbers of your kids’ friends’ parents. Stay involved and aware of who they’re with and what they’re doing.
- ORGANIZED FUTURE. With your kids’ ages and milestones in mind, always be ready for the next stage. Help them set goals and make plans. For instance, as soon as your kids start high school, you might want to start using a checklist for getting ready for college. It always helps to be thinking ahead!
Well, those are the top 10 things that helped me and my family to stay organized through the growing-up years. Of course, some are easier said than done, but this gives you some things to think about and try to improve on. I hope this helps you to keep your family organized and happy!
Till next time, have a wonderful day!