There are lots of things you can accomplish with a small amount of time, but I’m giving you 15 ideas that can each be done in about 15 minutes or less. Try these and then see what else you can get done in 15 minutes or less.
- Unload and reload dishwasher while waiting for coffee to brew.
- Make your bed and gather all dirty clothes and throw in hamper.
- Plan dinner, get meat out to thaw, and check ingredients.
- Write a quick list of errands for the day.
- Write a to-do list for the day.
- Eat a quick meal or snack.
- Get the mail and go through it, reading some, and tossing some.
- Do a 15 minute workout to boost your metabolism.
- Make a phone call to set up an appointment.
- Clean out the inside of your car.
- Do a quick pickup around the house before going to bed.
- Iron an outfit for the next day.
- Read a chapter in a book.
- Feed pets.
- Have a 15 minute getting-ready-for-bed routine.
So, there’s some ideas to try. Remember to use big blocks of time for big projects and fill in small blocks of time for small projects. By the end of the day, you’ll have things checked off your list and also be caught up with the little projects that need to be done. Be sure to check out some of my previous posts, How To Be More Productive With Morning Routines and How To Have Productive Evening Routines, for more ideas. Let me know some other ideas you have for being productive with small blocks of time in your day.
Have a great day!