With just a little over a week to go before Christmas, I thought I’d give a checklist for finishing up everything on your holiday to-do list. With Christmas Eve and Christmas Day falling on a Monday and Tuesday, some of us are starting our family get togethers on the weekend before. So, this checklist gives you 7 days to get everything finished by the weekend before Christmas.

Finish all Christmas shopping, including stocking stuffers.
Finish wrapping all gifts.
Write your menus and grocery lists Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and the other days you’ll have guests.
Buy groceries for the week, including all your special Christmas baking ingredients.
Finish all Christmas baking.
Clean the house.
Make all food and snacks for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
For those of you who like to see an actual schedule for getting all this done, I’ve listed a schedule for all the things that MUST get done this week. This is actually my schedule for the week, as an example. My family will be arriving on Saturday before Christmas, so this schedule is made to have everything done by then.
Saturday, December 15 – Finish all Christmas shopping.
Sunday, December 16 – Finish wrapping all gifts.
Monday, December 17 – Write menus and grocery lists and buy groceries.
Tuesday, December 18-Wednesday, December 19 – Do Christmas baking.
Thursday, December 20 – Clean the house.
Friday, December 21 – Make snacks and pre-make dinners, if possible.
Friday evening – Relax and watch one of your favorite Christmas movies. You’ve earned it!

That’s it! Take it a day at a time and you’ll be ready and relaxed in time to celebrate.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Be sure to come back and read my tips on planning for the new year.
Till then, have a wonderful day!
I love Christmas!