The very first step is to make a master holiday plan. Below you’ll see my Holiday Planning Checklist 2024 that I’ll be using this year. You can use this as a guideline to get you started. This is a master checklist that will take you all the way from November to New Year’s Day. So, put on some music, grab your calendar, and let’s get ready for a fantastic Holiday season!
Week 1: November 4-10 Planning Week
- List all holiday to-dos and put each task in your calendar or planner on a specific day. Use this checklist as a guideline.
- Put on your calendar all holiday events that you already know about such as family get-togethers, work parties, and special events and Christmas programs to attend.
- Write a master gift list. Set a budget for total gifts and a specific amount for each person.
- Plan your Christmas shopping trips by setting a start date and a date you want to be finished. Then, plan one or two shopping days each week. Put these shopping days on your calendar.
Week 2: November 11-17
- Start Christmas shopping.
- Write menu and grocery list for Thanksgiving.
Week 3: November 18-24
- Buy turkey for Thanksgiving, if buying it frozen.
- Continue Christmas shopping.
Week 4: November 25-Dec 1 Thanksgiving Week
- Clean the house.
- Buy groceries for Thanksgiving.
- Prepare and cook some Thanksgiving foods.
- Write a cooking timeline for Thanksgiving Day.
- Get dining room table ready and add centerpiece or other table decorations.
- Thanksgiving Day: Cook, Eat, Family Time
- Plan Christmas shopping for Black Friday.
- Christmas shop during Black Friday sales.
- Put up Christmas tree and decorations.
Week 5: December 2-8
- Continue Christmas shopping.
- Mail Christmas cards and gifts for out-of-town family and friends.
- Plan and prepare for Christmas parties you’re hosting.
Week 6: December 9-15
- Finish Christmas shopping.
- Buy stocking stuffers.
- Wrap presents.
Week 7: December 16-22
- Write menus and grocery list for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Christmas baking.
- Make Christmas cookies and candies.
- Clean the house.
- Buy groceries for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Week 8: December 23-29 Christmas Week
- Make special foods and snacks for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: Celebrate your favorite traditions with family and friends.
- The 4 days after Christmas, take time to relax and spend time with family.
December 30-31, New Year’s Eve
- Make special plans for New’s Year Eve to go out or stay home with family and friends.
- Plan special snacks and maybe a movie or game night if staying home.
January 1: New Year’s Day
- Put away tree and decorations.
- Make goals and plans for the new year and write everything in your new calendar or planner. Remember to write in all birthdays, anniversaries, and special events.
This is my basic master checklist for this holiday season. Please remember to add in other things for your own individual plans such as family, work, or neighborhood parties and get-togethers. Also, plan at least one or two nights a week for family nights at home. That’s a great time for getting your kids together and watching your favorite Christmas movies.
I hope this helps you get started on all your holiday planning. Be sure and come back for upcoming posts to help get through the season and enjoy every second of it!
I’ll have more posts coming up for Christmas gift shopping strategies, Thanksgiving week, preparing for guests, decorating for Christmas, party planning, cooking and baking, holiday fashion, sticking to a Christmas budget, and much more.
Please leave comments below and let me know what areas you struggle with the most during this season. Then, I’ll cover it in my upcoming posts.
Have a wonderful holiday season!