Today, I’ve got a month-by-month plan for organizing your house. If you work on it a little at a time, you’ll have your house in great shape by the end of the year. It sounds totally doable when we take it in managable steps, doesn’t it? So, pick out a couple free weekends for each month and try working through the plan.
- Home office
- Paperwork (and get ready for filing tax returns)
- Kitchen
- Dining Room
- Master Bedroom
- Master Closet
- Master Bathroom
- Kids’ Bathrooms
- Living Room
- Foyer/Entry
- Garage and Lawn Equipment
- Basement
- Kids’ Bedrooms
- Kids’ Closets
- Coat Closets
- Linen Closets
- Laundry Room/Mudroom
- Guest Bedrooms
- Guest Bathrooms
- Attics and Christmas Decorations
- Kitchen Pantry
As you can see, this list is based on the time of year and which areas are most appropriate for each particular month. For example, every year when you’re getting your kids ready to go back to school is the perfect time to clean their closet and see what clothes still fit them before back-to-school shopping. And in November when you get your Christmas decorations out, you’ll be so glad that you cleaned out the attic the year before. Basically, if you stick to this schedule, your house should stay reasonably uncluttered.
Do you have any big plans for organizing or decorating your house this winter? Let me know how it’s going for you in the comments below.
Well, since it’s January, I guess I better get my paperwork organized. I’ll have a post coming soon with tips for getting this chore done, as quickly as possible!
Till next time, happy organizing!