Today, in part 3, I want to help you make the absolute most of your fall and winter wardrobe, whether you’re starting out with the basics or you’ve already got a ton of options. Besides, sometimes it doesn’t really matter how many clothes you have in your closet. If you stand in your closet every morning and feel unsure about how to put together an outfit, then all the clothes in the world will just leave you feeling confused.
If you’re starting with the basics and have a long list of clothing items still to buy, don’t worry. Were going to start where you are and take what you have, and learn how to make the most of what you’ve got. We’re going to get creative and see several different ways to approach your closet and put together outfits.
Mixing and matching and trying new combinations will make you look like you have more than you actually do. You’ll feel like you have plenty to wear and won’t get bored, wearing the same outfits all the time. Are you ready for some styling fun?
Start with an organized closet:
- Organize your clothes into sections for each part of your life, such as basic casual, nice casual, work clothes, and dressy and special occasion clothes.
- Within each section, put ‘like’ items together such as pants hanging together, tops hanging together, and so on.
- Within each section, colorize everything. Hang from lightest to darkest or darkest to lightest, whichever you prefer.
- Start with a top. This is my favorite way to put together an outfit. Tops are probably one of the most noticeable parts of an outfit, so if you alternate tops, you’ll look like you have a lot of clothes.
- Start with a pair of pants, jeans, or a skirt. This is my next favorite way to put together an outfit. Why? If you only put together outfits, starting with a top, you might overlook a great pair of jeans or pants. Make the most of every item in your wardrobe and wear everything, even those basic pants you’ve got.
- Start with a shoe. If you feel like you’re running out of outfit ideas after wearing all of your tops and pants, look through your shoes and boots. Have you worn all of them yet? If you haven’t, you probably don’t like them (throw them out), or you weren’t sure what to wear them with. Take those shoes, find a pair of jeans, pants, leggings, or skirt they would look good with, then add a top that would look great with these pants and shoes. Ta-da!! You have a new outfit!
- Start with a scarf. Now its time to get creative with some accessories. Pick out a scarf you love but haven’t worn much. Find a top to wear it with, preferably one you haven’t worn with it yet. Get creative and don’t worry about it being a perfect match. Try new color combos.
- Start with a piece of jewelry. If you’re like me, you can’t always see what jewelry you have when there’s so many different pieces to look through. I usually end up wearing the same few pieces. Try putting together an outfit by pulling out some jewelry you love, put it with a different top, then pick pants, jeans, or a skirt, and ta-da!, you’ve got another new outfit. This is also a great way to dress up basic neutrals without spending a ton of money. Try a statement necklace with a basic white shirt or black sweater.
- Start with a unique handbag. If you have a handbag in a bright or unique color that you don’t get to wear very often, make it the focal point of the outfit. Brighten up neutrals or try different color combos and see that you actually do have a lot to go with that purse.
- Start with a layering piece. This could be a cardigan, vest, cape, poncho, or jacket. This works great when you’re concerned about being dressed for the weather, and you’ll be outside most of the day.
For those times when you need a great outfit and don’t want to go shopping for anything new, try putting together an outfit using ALL the previous tips. Here’s how:
- Pick out one of your favorite tops.
- Put that top with one of your favorite pants, jeans, or skirts.
- Wear a favorite pair of shoes or boots.
- Wear your favorite jewelry, including earrings, a necklace, bracelets, and maybe a special ring.
- Add a good quality handbag.
- Top it off with one of your favorite layering pieces, like a cardigan, jacket, or coat.
You now have a special outfit wearing some of your favorite clothes!
These are some suggestions to get you started and get more ‘wear’ out of your fall and winter wardrobe on a budget.
For those of you who like to be super-organized, take a few minutes, go to your closet and put together three complete outfit combinations. Hang them together in your closet. Snap a picture of each outfit, and the next time you have a special event or just want something different to wear, you’ve got it ready.
I hope this helps you with your fall and winter wardrobe on a budget. By putting together Part 1, Part 2, and now Part 3, you’ll be able to save time and money throughout the season. If wardrobe planning is new for you and you’d like to start with the basics, read 10 Steps To A Great Outfit.
Let me know in the comments below, how your new wardrobe is working for you.
Till next time, have a wonderful day!