You might be tempted to hit the stores and just buy whatever looks good on the rack. That’s how we end up with items that don’t go together or go with anything else in our closet. I’ve done that too, only leading to a “what was I thinking?” moment when getting it home. That’s a frustrating waste of time and money. I’ve finally learned how important it is to shop with a plan. It takes a little time to plan, but saves a ton of time when hitting the stores. Ready to start your shopping plan for your new ideal fall wardrobe? Let’s get started!
If you read part 1 and part 2 of this fall wardrobe series, you should now have a list of things you need to buy to add to your wardrobe to make it functional. Most of us can’t buy everything we need in one shopping trip, so I think its important that we prioritize the things on our list. Take a look at your list of things to shop for from Part 2, How To Plan Your Fall And Winter Wardrobe. Look it over and make sure it’s in order of priority. This really helps you to focus on what you need when you shop and not get sidetracked by something else in the store that catches your eye.
Before you head out to the stores, decide what you’re going to shop for with this month’s budget in mind. Since you’ve prioritized your list, you will be buying the most important items, no matter what your budget is, and you will soon have a good, functional wardrobe that works for your lifestyle.
Now that you know what to shop for, how do you know where to begin? First, think about the stores in your area. First, consider going back to stores that you’ve shopped at in the past that have brands that fit you well. When shopping, also consider stores that fit your budget and have clothes that are age-appropriate. Then think about the types of outfits that you found earlier when looking through magazines, catalogs, retailer’s websites, and Pinterest. Shop at stores that have those styles or something similar.
Remember, we need to stick to our budget. Before heading out to the stores, spend a little time going online to your favorite stores’ websites and look for sales and coupons. You’ll most likely find coupons there you didnt even know existed. Hmmmm. Seems like there’s some kind of sale every day. Make the most of it and save as much as you can. Although I believe in sticking to the plan, I do think its smart to go ahead and buy things farther down on your priority list if you happen to find them on sale. Remember, though, not to just keep buying low priority items on sale and never get to your higher priority items. Those items at the top of your list will make the most difference to your wardrobe, so you might want to spend a “little” more money on them.
At your favorite stores, look for the items on your list. Start with the highest priority items and, within the same store, try to find pieces that work together. Make sure they also will work with several other things you already have in your closet. Make sure everything you buy meets these criteria:
- Fits well
- Flattering for your body type
- Flattering color, preferably in your chosen color palette
- Will be useful for your lifestyle
Remember, your goal is to have a wardrobe that works for your lifestyle and will give you lots of options for mixing and matching.
After getting everything home, try on your new purchases in front of a full-length mirror. Try everything on with a few other items in your closet to see if it really fits well and will be a useful new addition to your wardrobe. Ideally, every new item should have at least two or three things that could be worn with it. Make sure every item FITS, is FLATTERING FOR YOUR BODY TYPE, and in a FLATTERING COLOR. If so, you can now hang it in your organized closet and check it off your list.
You’ve got a great start on your new wardrobe, whether it has just a few pieces or a lot. Why? Because everything in your closet meets ALL your criteria and works for YOUR lifestyle. Throughout the season, you should be making even more progress on your wardrobe because you are shopping with a PLAN! It makes a huge difference. Be sure to add to your wardrobe according to the higher priority items. Those should give you the most versatility with picking out outfits.
Wasn’t that fun??? It will be when you get dressed every day without frustration. Now you can get dressed quickly and feel great because everything in your closet is right for YOU!
I hope this ‘”Fall Wardrobe Organizing” project has been fun and useful for you. I also know you’re busy and might not have time for all parts of the project. If you prefer, just try the tips where you need the most help. Then come back later for the rest. Be sure to check out parts 1 and 2: How To Organize Fall And Winter Wardrobes and How To Plan Your Fall And Winter Wardrobe.
Please leave comments and let me know what improvements you’ve made on your new fall wardrobe.
Have a wonderful day!
Great tips for someone who doesn’t like to shop (me!). Congrats, you’re featured this week at the This Is How We Roll Link Party.