- Get organized. Buy a binder with 3 sections or 3 folders. Section 1 is for moving paperwork, such as this checklist, moving company info, and other moving details. Section 2 is for house buying and selling paperwork. Section 3 is for new house info such as floor plan layout, decorating plans, project lists, and new town info.
- Go through house, garage, basement, attic. Get rid of anything you don’t want to take to new house. Donate or have a garage sale.
- Get about 3 estimates, in person, in writing from moving companies, analyze estimates, pick the best and reserve a moving date. If moving yourself, reserve a rental truck and find people to help with moving.
- If moving to new area, research schools, doctors, banks, and get paperwork together to set up everything in new town.
- Get packing supplies: boxes, tape, bubble wrap, markers.
- Start packing a few boxes each day. As you pack, set aside things you want to get rid of. Start with closets and drawers and things you don’t use. Then pack decorations. Then pack stuff you can live without for a few weeks: books, DVD’s, CD’s, and unused kitchen stuff. Lastly, pack stuff you always use on a weekly and daily basis.
- Label which room each box belongs in and contents inside.
- For the super-organized: Get a large notebook. Keep a running list of boxes and what is in each. Put the # on the box and write corresponding # on the list.
- Have a designated section in your house for all packed boxes.
- Keep separate a few special boxes of important paperwork, jewelry, and family valuables. Lable and plan on putting these in your car instead of the moving truck.
- Write a list of businesses to contact with new address: utility companies, doctors, dentists, vets, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, and retirement accounts. Spend one day going through this list.
- Have utilities disconnected at old house (day after move-out), and utilities connected at new house (day before move-in).
- Decide where staying between move-out and move-in days and book hotel, if necessary.
- Start using up food in fridge, freezer, and pantry.
- Fill out change of address form with post office.
- Get medical records sent to new doctors in new locations.
- Confirm paperwork with your mover, let them know of any inventory changes since estimate, and confirm moving date.
- If necessary, set up childcare for moving days.
- Make reservations for pets to be boarded on moving days. Plan on dropping them off day before moving and pick up the day after moving. Get their shots while there.
- Start planning in folder where furniture will go in new house. Make list of things you’ll need to buy for new house: blinds, rugs, furniture. Start making decorating plans and project lists.
- Get school records transferred to new schools.
- If your current bank doesn’t have a branch at new location, research banks and decide which one to use and when to switch your accounts.
- Research new town for landscapers, cleaning services, furniture and home decor stores.
- Confirm closing dates on both houses with realtors.
- Get prescriptions filled. Make sure you have enough till you get settled into new house.
- Confirm with movers your moving date, time they will arrive, and how they are to be paid. If necessary, get check from employer to pay moving company. Get the cell # of the person in charge on moving day.
- Start thoroughly cleaning unused rooms, closets, basements, and attic.
- If necessary, schedule carpet cleaning and painting of new house.
- Buy appliances for new house, if needed, and schedule delivery before moving in or shortly after.
- Start putting things in a kitchen drawer for new owners: appliance manuals, extra keys, garage remotes, alarm codes, list of good family doctors, and nearby stores. Leave your forwarding address for mail that comes later.
- Stop newspaper delivery and set up delivery at new house.
- Make a final trip for donating unwanted stuff. Get receipt and put in moving file or tax file.
- Mail out bills that need to go before moving.
- Get rid of all flammables: gas in mowers and yard equipment, paint cans, chemicals, aerosols, and propane tanks. Find out where to safely get rid of these.
- Get computers backed up and ready to disconnect. Finish paying online bills.
- Clean out fridge, freezer, oven, have gas lines disconnected, if necessary.
- Open new bank account at new location (or shortly after moving). Don’t close old account till after moving. Have bank statements forwarded to new address.
- Pack family’s suitcases: clothes, toiletries, electronics, other essentials. Have enough to last between move-out day and move-in day. Pack drinks and snacks.
- Remember when packing to keep separate the things to take in your car, instead of moving truck. Label everything clearly!
- Return library books. Pick up dry cleaning.
- Have easy, quick meals all week, preferably using up food in fridge and pantry.
- Mow yard.
- Fill up gas in cars, get oil changes, and make sure cars are ready to travel.
- Get cash out for trip to new house.
- Put together moving day supplies: paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates, plastic cups, dish soap, bottled water, snacks, towels, cleaning supplies, flashlight, trash bags, tools, sheets for first night in new house.
- Confirm utility connections at new house
- Confirm movers
- Finish all last minute packing.
- Get up early, get dressed, get organized.
- Feed family quick, easy breakfast.
- Put everything that goes in car instead of the moving truck in a designated section in the house, clearly labeled: DO NOT TAKE! Or you could go ahead and put those things in your car and out of the way.
- Movers arrive ( or rental truck).
- Make sure movers truck USDOT # matches the # on your estimate (scams do happen!)
- Check inventory as they take boxes.
- Label things damaged, so you’ll know what was in good condition, and be able to easily file a claim for damaged items.
- Get movers contact info: cell # and name of the person in charge. Give them your cell, new address and directions, and know exactly when they’ll arrive.
- Keep copies of the inventory list and put in moving folder.
- Put out trash for final pick up.
- Clean house (or plan ahead for cleaning service).
- Make sure everything is off: A/C, lights, water.
- Get there before movers.
- Check that utilities are on.
- Put essential items and snacks in a location out of the way.
- Plan where movers should put furniture.
- Do quick repairs, if needed.
- Buy basics such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, light bulbs.
- Start unpacking or relax and unpack tomorrow.
- Replace locks.
- Make sure address is changed (if not done already), for bank accounts, insurance companies, utilities, credit cards companies, etc.
- Get auto insurance address changed. Check your state’s regulations for drivers license and registrations.
- Make list of projects for new house, prioritize, and make plans for getting it done.
- Start exploring your new town.
- Finish all unpacking.
- Get new drivers license and auto registrations.
- Get will updated, if moved to a different state.
- Start decorating and enjoy your new home!!!