Every season, you need to make this process a regular part of your spring cleaning. We always clean out our clothes closet, but we should also clean out our bathroom cabinets. Of course, we should clean out our medicine cabinets too, but we’ll get to that in a separate post. For now, we’re going to do hair products, skincare, and makeup.
Hair Products
- First, take all hair products from shower, cabinets, and drawers and set them out.
- Go through each product and ask yourself: Do I like this? Yes or no? If no, toss it in the trash!
- Look at all the ones you like. Put back into the shower one shampoo and one conditioner. The rest need to go in an organizing caddy and put into a designated cabinet.
- If you have several travel-size products, go through those also and toss the ones you don’t like. Save the keepers in a small travel-size bag for your next trip.
- Start a list of products to shop for. If you’re low on something or, for example, you don’t have any shampoo that you really like, add it to the list.
- Now it’s time to take all skincare products out. Go through each one and throw away anything that’s too old, you’re allergic to, or you don’t like.
- It’s time to simplify your skincare routine so you’ll actually use what you need. Try to stick with one product line and use a skincare system that’s all one brand. Products within one brand are made to work best together as a complete system. Try to just keep one or two of each step, such as cleanser, moisturizer, or eye cream. Don’t clutter your cabinet with miscellaneous stuff.
- Organize your skincare into a caddy and keep it separate from makeup.
- After you pick out a complete skincare system that you want to use, write on your shopping list the products that are missing and try to buy them on your next day of errands.
- This is probably going to be the most time-consuming. Most women keep buying new products, and then if they don’t work, we toss them in a drawer because we don’t like to waste money. Remember, almost all stores will let you return makeup, so don’t hesitate to do this. Makeup is expensive.Take out all makeup and go through each item. Do you like it? Then put in a “keep” pile. Do you hate it? Toss it! Also, whether you like it or not, if it’s old, you’ve got to toss it.
- Go through tools and brushes. If they’re old and need to be replaced, add them to your list. Makeup brushes should be washed about once a month.
- Organize your makeup keepers in a caddy/makeup organizer. Put “like” items together, such as all lipsticks together, etc. With makeup, it’s ok to use several different brands and have different color options. If you’re a minimalist like me, just keep one foundation, one face powder, one or two concealers, three or four blushes, eye shadows, and lipsticks. Just keep what you will actually use and nothing more.
- Your makeup caddy will go inside a bathroom cabinet or drawer, but you’ll also find it helpful to have a small makeup bag for your basic essentials. Keep this out by your bathroom sink for busy mornings or quick touch-ups. It’s also handy to just throw into your purse before going somewhere.
- Now it’s time to add products to your shopping list. For each season, especially, you might want to try new products and colors.
Put It All Together
Now your bathroom cabinets and drawers should be clutter-free. You’ll love how quickly you can find everything in the mornings. Try to keep everything in one cabinet, if possible, but use a separate caddy/organizer for haircare, skincare, and makeup. Try to add in new products, weekly, from your shopping list. Repeat this organizing process every season and you should be able to keep this part of your life and your house under control! Have a beautiful day!