Today, I just want to let you know about a new section on my website. You’ll see it in the Menu above. It’s my new Start Here page. This is a page that walks you through the most important parts of my LIFETIME ORGANIZING systems. It lists them out in an organized way so that you can go through and find information that you need more easily. It’s great for anyone who wants to get organized, but isn’t sure where to begin. Basically, I’ve organized my “organizing systems”. I hope you find it helpful.
The information is organized in these categories:
- Set goals, organize your time, and set routines.
- Organize your home systems.
- Organize family and special events.
- Organize meals and grocery shopping.
- Organize your wardrobe, beauty, and personal time.
- Organize through the seasons.
I’ve included links to the articles that are most relevant for each category. I would suggest that you start by reading those and working on those areas first, and then check other posts on my site for more tips and ideas. I’ll be adding more to the list, so please subscribe to my blog to get notified of updates. Also, check out my Printables page. I’ll be adding more to this in the near future.
So, are you ready to get started? Let’s get organized! START HERE